Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ah! In between!

In between is a little like waiting, but maybe not as bad. In between, you have an idea of what is coming up next, and you might have some assurance that it will be something good. Right now I am in between a couple of things. I'm in between library events, just having completed hosting a short worskshop series for folks from across the state, and coming up to a big staff meeting and then summer reading programming. The workshop presenters were phenomenal women who were full of energy and grace, and who also had mad training skills. All the participants went away happy, and none had an unpleasant experience either in our library or in our city. Miracles do happen!

I'm in between rounds of surgery with a suicidal dog. The last round of surgery for a perforated intestine and the resulting peritonitis went far better than anyone imagined. Brainless Jack- one of the most beautiful and sweet animals I've ever met- seems to veer from relentless will to live and attempts to take his own life by eating tennis ball fragments. Just when he got out of the woods, so to speak, and about to start solid food, he ate another piece of tennis ball that he had apparently put into a pocket and saved for a special occasion. The vet has prescribed prozac- no kidding. We'll see what happens with his digestive system. I'm hoping against hope that he chewed up the ball fragment (it was a small fragment) well enough that it will ease past his stic

I'm in between loving my job and hating it. It could be so good- and once was- with huge opportunities to help this city that is mired in illiteracy and its attendant ills. But it is also so awful as I watch the city gut what was once a premier library system before they outsource the product of their effort. A political climber and a heavy handed thug have taken the place of a library director and deputy director. I'm not supposed to notice. We're not supposed to notice. I'm supposed to bedistracted by flattery. My mom taught me to consider the source of compliments as well as slams, and to take neither seriously. She was a pretty smart cookie.

I'm in between being here and being there. I am here, but need to do a lot of preparation for my summer trip to the Himalaya. I've got lesson plans to clean up and send to a colleague, money to raise via speaking engagements, and plane tickets to buy. I'd rather be there than here. If it weren't for my family (and parrot), I would live there permanently- oh wait!!! There's winter to consider! Winter in the Himalaya is really, really, really cold. Autumn was just "pretty cold" and I damn near froze at night.

If I ACCentuate the positive and ELIMinate the negative, would I have no time for Mr. InBetween?