Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fear not! This is a test!

You got notified that I posted to my blog because you are either family, close to it, or have expressed an interest in keeping up with what's going on during my impending visit to Ladakh, J & K, India.

If you would rather wait and hear it all at once when I get back, or if you are already up to your gills in email and this notification will be a burden, or if you haven't a clue who I am or why I'd be letting you know I've posted to my blog, please email me or comment and I'll get you off the list, no questions asked and no hard feelings.

Ready to go? Not.

I am trying to get ready to go on another trip to Ladakh, and it has just been awful trying to get ready to get out of town. My time is not my own and lovely, well-meaning people tear chunks of it away under the guise of being kind, wanting to talk to me, wanting to see me, wanting my opinion, wanting me to see if I can figure out one last thing for them before I leave. phoo.

I've portioned out little tasks at work for others to do in my absence. Most of my "victims" have been gracious enough, but a couple seem to imagine that the minutiae I leave in their care is a monumental chore and huge imposition. Buck up, y'all!

I sigh for the charmers that want me to "just re-send that report you wrote a couple of months ago," because they didn't keep a copy. I sigh for the customers who want to talk about how unhappy they are that the drawing for SRC prizes will be after all the entries are in (yes, really.) I sigh for the administrator who just wants me to knock together some preliminary statistics on comparative SRC participation (when she has the same numbers I do and is paid over twice as much.) I sigh for visitors who will think I am rude because I am not going to impose any further tasks on my hard working- already overworkedTeen Tech Camp/ IMLS grant folks.

I can't wait to get on the plane(s). For two whole days my only tasks will be flight related- passing through baggage weigh-ins, security check points, gate location, seat location, headphone location, "stuff stowage", and then sitting still until it is time to perform the routine in reverse, wait a bit, and get on another plane. I'll do the routine three times through before I get off the plane in Leh, Ladakh, and take a cab to the Oriental Guesthouse. I'm hopeful that a room will be ready for me, despite not having spoken directly to Phuntsog or Dawa- and even though I'm not nuts about hauling my stuff up three flights of stairs, I hope I'm on the top floor again. Looking south and east to the Himalayas is the most beautiful vista in the world.

I'll bring more useful gifts for Phuntsog, Dawa, and all. Masking tape, tweezers, first aid cream, and waterproof bandages are a priority this time. Books for Nuzum and Nudum- maybe something silly this time instead of educational. Little girls like to giggle everyhwere. I don't know what I'll bring little Leydstone Gyatso yet. Maybe some stacking blocks? I've got one day to decide and shop.

I guess I'll go continue to pack. I thought I might start a new blog, but this one will have to do. We'll see if the fates conspire to allow me to post while I'm in Changspa. I don't think there will be Internet access in Domkhar or Stok, but maybe I'll be fooled.
Later, gators!