Thursday, September 09, 2004

not quite kicking and screaming into the 21st century

Repeating over and over to myself...I am not a Luddite, I am not a Luddite, I enter the blogging world with not a little trepidation. One part vanity, one part chutzpah, one part curiosity, and two parts trying to keep current add up to my reasons for beginning this blog.

I think humor is essential. The un-laughed at life is not worth living. It is a gift, I think, to be able to see the light side of things, and to not take yourself too seriously. I know lots of unintentionally funny people- maybe they are just joyful-whom I love and respect. I work in an entirely humorous environment, where excellent public service is the goal. I live with very funny animals who deserve enormous respect for their individual personalities. I do good work that is often thwarted by politics, money, and circumstance, but that remains interesting and fun. And last, but not least, I am incredibly lucky. Not in the giant lottery winning sense of lucky, but in the little day to day, catching-the-glass-ornament-before-it-hits-the-floor lucky.

I may tell some stories on this blog. Just so you know, I rarely resort to hyperbole. Real life is strange enough.

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