Thursday, September 20, 2007

Going for the record

I guess I could have waited for a whole year to pass before posting again, but I have no desire to really go for any records.
I'm visiting the kid that really did get into vet school (if you read the post about waiting.) The waiting didn't make the rejoicing for her any more intense, but we did rejoice. And now we are in the reality of intense graduate school. I say we, because my stomach gets a knot every time I hear about an impossible upcoming exam, or a quiz, or a clinical lab. Some of them seem so out of the blue, like the surgical lab where they were supposed to know from intuition, I guess, how to fold the surgical instruments into a giant sheet and autoclave it. They were supposed to know the protocol this particular school uses. My kid has worked for years for a vet who went to a different school- one of the other top three in the nation- and he taught her how to do it a little differently- so she got screamed at. I've taught graduate students, and some of them were pretty annoying, but it never ever crossed my mind to scream at anyone. Here's the best part- the instructors apparently realized that they hadn't instructed the first group on what exactly they wanted them to do, so the second group that went through this exercise got not only instruction, but sweetness and apologetic behavior. "Oh oops! I guess we didn't tell you how we want this done, so here, let us show you." blah! I know this is just an aggravation, and I don't think it will put her off completing school, but I don't want her to become bitter, either. bah!Or cocky, or , or, anyway different than she is right now, which is pretty cool.

Anyway, I'm visiting her because she got sick, and I now have vacation days to burn, since my trip to India fell through. I thought I'd be clever and apply for a Fulbright program, so I did, and was accepted. Trouble is, since the Fulbright program is part of the US Department of State, and the US is perceived as an ass right now around the world, being part of the Fulbright program isn't necessarily a help in obtaining the appropriate visa to teach. I asked about it when I went to DC to speak at a conference in June, and was told by a State Department representative that India is giving them fits right now and that I'd be better off lying about my intent- and maybe doing my own paperwork. That just didn't seem like a viable option to me. I think I'd suck at being a model prisoner in J & K- or anywhere. If someone were to ask me what my life's goal is, I could honestly answer, "Avoiding prison of any kind." I've got other goals, but staying out of jail is up there in the top 10. Unless it is for civil disobedience in a country who's laws I understand- or where I can call a lawyer right away. Wonder what that country went? Anyway, here I am, not in India, but maybe helping someone I love.

I've been cooking and freezing healthy meals for her. I don't think she's putting anything on for me- and she doesn't seem to have time to cook. Her house is, however spotless, and I'm not having any allergy trouble with the cats. That could be because I'm allergy drugged to within an inch of my liver collapsing, but whatever combo I'm taking is working great.

Mit Mitty The Bird has accompanied me on this trip. She now enjoys riding in the car, as long as she is in her travel cage. She hoots at other cars and sings random la-la-la's with the radio. She doesn't enjoy riding at night (worrying about owls, maybe) or over bumpy roads, which sometimes can't be helped, but other than that- and insisting that she drink out of a "real" water bottle instead of her birdie water bottle, she's good company on the road. We stopped for a burger (yes, I know) and Gracie (the dog) ate the meat and Mitty and I ate the cheese and some of the bun. She was not allowed to have any of my coke. (I drink Coke Zero, and I can't imagine that Splenda is good for birds. It probably isn't good for me, but I can't stand real sugar when I'm here and not moving around frenetically. My insulin gets all out of whack and my body thinks I need to pack on fat for the coming famine.

She has the nice travel cage, and a bigger collapsible one to live in when we arrive at our destination, and her favorite toys have come along, so she's pretty set and happy. I am, too, I guess. I have made the mistake of checking my work email- just so I wouldn't have to get back and find 500 waiting. Maybe things seem worse when you are not on the scene to help out. But no one else seems to have a problem taking vacation, so I will get over it and enjoy my time away.

I think I might enjoy being a housekeeper. A long as I got some respect. And had a big budget for food and cleaning supplies. And got left alone during the day! I took a nap today, and it was great! There was nothing pressing that I had to do, and I was tired, so I went to bed from 2:30 to 4:00pm. Now it's 1:00am and I'm wide awake. Poor Kiddo is studying for an equine pathology test tomorrow, and says it'll be an all nighter. ugh.

So, generally speaking, it's been a decent year. Or ten months. I continue to be amused by people I encounter, and I have a soft spot for the earnest. And the kind. Everyone else can go jump in the lake.

Be kind. Work hard. Take a nap on your vacation and try not to feel guilty about it. heh.

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